We offer both virtual and in person presentations. Each presentation’s topic is tailored to the goals of your program. Common goals include focusing on technical tea knowledge, student engagement, major and minor recruitment, language skills development, and many more.
Our presentations also focus on tea, but our philosophy is that tea is a way to connect people and boost educational goals. We bring a level of creativity and collaboration some have never experienced with an outside organization.
Our non-profit approach allows us to do the best possible to find ways to offer experiences for students and affiliates at the fairest prices possible. Although we have many free offerings, we will always seek to secure grant funding or ask for donations and honorariums to help cover expenses for events that do not have the means to pay for services.
Tasting is one of the best ways to engage students with tea and achieve the goals of the programs we are working with. The aesthetic experience is something that can’t be substituted. tasting is usually how we reference activities focused on technical knowledge about tea, such as distinguishing types or brewing techniques. Tabling is more focused on an exciting experience with very little focus on technical knowledge.
Tasting usually take the format of either being part of a tea session, coming to a classroom, or even larger venues with particular teas being served. We have the skills and experience to do tasting experiences even into the hundreds of people, something that is logistically challenging and an important reason instructors and program leaders choose to work with experience professionals like our organization. The logistical handling of a tasting can make a huge difference in the impression students have, likely more so than the actual taste of tea.

Tabling is the term we use to describe a part of an event where we have multiple tables or (as little as single table as part of another event) setup to allow participants to have a variety of experiences by moving from table to table.
Some examples of tables we have used are: jasmine green tea cold brew, tea bags versus loose leaf black tea, gongfu puer demonstration, hot versus chilled (same tea). Tables can include trivia, prize competitions, and much more.
Our tabling approach works well in cooperation with cultural events that include any range of other cultural activities. We can even complement your catering arrangements.
Tea Sessions
Tea sessions are events with a small number of people. Although we have creative approaches like rotating participants, multiple timings, and multiple simultaneous sessions that can scale our tea session approach, the basic unit of a tea session cannot exceed approximately 16 people at the high end with 8-12 being the ideal range of participants.
Tea sessions seek to emulate or completely immerse students in a traditional setting for tea consumption. With much larger groups the format morphs into a tasting and/or presentation experience unless scaling techniques are used to retain the session experience desired.
Tea sessions are not limited to the commonly known Japanese Tea Ceremony and Chinese Gongfu style of tea hosting, but can also include an experience like the Russian tea station (using a samovar), yerba matte cups and spoon-straws, or gathering around fresh milk and bubble teas. As with all our services, everything starts with consultation and targeting our experience to your program’s goals.
Field Trips
No matter where you are located, we can help plan a trip to your closest location with tea shops or other cultural activities.
If your school is able to support a chapter of our collegiate club, this can make an off campus trip very easy to plan, recruit, and fund.
For example, we can arrange for students to have an exclusive tasting with the tea master at one of only a couple tea plantations in the USA. We can plan a day of tea tasting at local tea rooms with shopping and free exploration lunch time built in.
Virtual and Hybrid Events
We offer virtual tea lectures and demonstrations. We have the technical knowledge to provide a high quality experience that goes beyond the talking head and PowerPoint slideshow. By using professional cameras and streaming equipment we are able to give overhead views and high resolution close up videography of important elements of demonstrations. Our staff includes professional technical engineers with extensive experience in managing large webinars and virtual meetings of all types.
Virtual events can be paired with in person tea brewed by individuals or by instructors in a classroom setting. We provide whatever level of instruction is needed to ensure that a hybrid event goes well, even if our staff are not on site.
Our experienced technical staff can help guide collaborators through the process of communicating with information technology departments.